
INTEGRA-7 Librarian Ver.1.0.0 for Mac

INTEGRA-7 Librarian is an application that lets you use your computer to manage a library of INTEGRA-7 sounds.
It offers an efficient way to manage large numbers of studio sets, tones, and drum kits on your computer.

* INTEGRA-7 Editor for Mac is available with INTEGRA-7 Ver.1.20 or later. Check the version of INTEGRA-7.
* To use INTEGRA-7 Editor for Mac, install the INTEGRA-7-dedicated driver in advance.
* For the details of INTEGRA-7 Librarian for Mac, click "Preferences" - "Manual" from the menu, which is displayed after startup, to see the manual.

Download the file named "".
It is an archive file in zip format, please double click on the file to expand. After expanding the file, "intgr7_lib_m100" folder will be appeared.

Installation file

How to install
Double-click the Integra7Librarian_Installer.pkg to install the software.

System Requirements

Operating System
Mac OS X v10.6 / v10.7 / OS X v10.8 / OS X v10.9 / OS X v10.10 / OS X v10.11
1,440 x 900 pixel or higher

* This software has been found to work on typical computers that meet the above requirements, but we do not guarantee that it will operate on all such computers. Please be aware that differences in design or conditions of use may produce differences in the processing power of otherwise similar computers.

* Apple and Mac OS are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
* All product names mentioned in this document are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.


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