
SVZ Sample Converter (for macOS) Source Code of Open Source Software

SVZ Sample Converter(for macOS) includes the "Qt 5.12.4" licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL).
Copyright © 2019 The Qt Company Ltd.

For the source code and license documentation of the open source software, please confirm the downloaded archive file.
Important notice about open source software and other third party software
(a) The SOFTWARE may use open source software and other third party software (herein referred to as "OSS, etc.").
(b) The OSS, etc. in the case of the preceding paragraph shall be subject to the OSS, etc. license (herein referred to as "OSS License"), and you shall comply with the OSS License.
(c) If there are any differences between the terms of Roland Software License Agreement and the OSS License, the OSS License shall prevail and the terms of Roland Software License Agreement shall not apply.


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